This causes me to wonder, then, whether Dornan, et. al, and Culham are right suggest that students should be allowed to select their own topic. If I were to receive an assignment to write about anything I choose, I would indeed spend a great deal more time thinking about such an assignment than I would if I were assigned a topic. This amount of thought is of course the point of writing in the first place, but as teachers, aren't we supposed to make writing less intimidating for the students? Surely the goal is to get students motivated and confident enough to write on their own, and to take the risks that this type of writing entails, but what about the students who need a lot of support to build this motivation and confidence? Although both texts offer a variety of possible topics for the students, they advise that the teacher not assign these topics so that the students will write for an audience beyond the teacher. This last goal is also very important if the students are to take their writing skills with them into the real world, but the question remains: how are we, as teachers, to encourage our students to write beyond the classroom while simultaneously providing them with the support they need to write at all? Is it a "stepped" thing? That is, do we first make them comfortable in the classroom and then teach them to take their writing beyond it? And if this is so, aren't the five paragraph essay written on assigned topics actually great places for intimidated writers to start?
I'm not certain as to the answers to these questions, and I would welcome any suggestions.
Resource Link:
This series, originally taped for NPR in the fifties, has recently returned to NPR. The series consists of essays, which are basically personal mission statements. This site has audio recordings, as well as written archives, of essays that have been featured. It also has a link for teachers to lesson plans and ways to incorporate this type of writing into the classroom. Perhaps this is a way to solve the guidance/freedom conundrum I mentioned above: the students have a general topic with numerous different directions to go in.